Wednesday, October 8, 2008

You Remind Me

Sometimes I just feel like my head gets foggy with ridiculous non-important stuff and I can't think or see clearly. I love that in His plan the Lord left his word, I think because he knew we'd forget. He knew we would need reminded. He knew that His word and His words are our connection to him.

I love letters, handwritten personalized words from one person to another. I don't send nearly enough letters, but doesn't it make your day when you go to the mail box and see bill, bill, junk mail, bill, LETTER! Oh, it makes me happy. I have several letters from friends framed around my office - to remind me. To remind me that on this earth, on this huge planet we call home, at certain junctions in the road a letter has come to me that maybe changed everything. Even if it was just my outlook, something changed.

The Lord has gently reminded me of a lot of things in this week. . . . .

I am His
I am not alone
His mercies are new every morning
His faithfulness is great
Nothing can separate us
Death is not the end
To be anxious for nothing
To trust him in all things
salvation really is a gift
He is the Healer
He is the Provider
He is Alpha and Omega and everything in between
He is Almighty
He is . . . . .. everything.

Each of those could be their own post, but I don't have time for that today. He has met me in amazing ways this week-like last night getting my hair cut, colored, and highlighted - who knew I could have the best conversation with my hairdresser that really encouraged my faith.

Lord Jesus, remind me. Remind me that where I am today is not where I will always be. You intend life to be a journey with the destination Heaven. I long to know you more. Remind me of your love when things seem lonely and predictable. Remind me of your peace when I jump way ahead of where I am today. Remind me of the joy you intend for all of us. Remind me of your presence. And thank you for your word, the greatest love letter ever written. I cherish that letter most of all and find it totally amazing that it speaks to us over 2000 years later as if you wrote it this morning. You are good. Remind me I can trust you. I love you-Amen


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