Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thankful Thursday

We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield.
Psalm 33:20

Thankful this week.....

For a church family.  I hope you never have to, but if you ever spend a year without one, you'll appreciate it more when it comes around.  Still feeling such great love from a faithful God after Saturday's confirmation service.  

For Uncertainty.  It has arrived on multiple levels in many ways this week and has forced me to remember God is trustworthy.  I don't have to have all the answers or know everything. And although uncertainty is so uncomfortable, it is not impossible when we place our trust in a God who is working all things together for good.

The AP approved starting a sentence with hopefully.  Especially good since I do it all the time anyway.  My writing breathes an unedited sigh of relief.

Starbucks and lots of reading and writing accomplished there this week.  Blessed are the caffeinated.  (Amen).

For Peace.  Peace has wrapped itself around this heart and settled in.  May it always feel at home within and extending from this life.

Happy Thursday, friends!

Monday, April 23, 2012


All I knew walking into Christ Church the first Sunday of January 2011 was if this church didn't feel like home, I wasn't going anywhere else ever again.  Dramatic?  Maybe.  The truth?  For sure.  I wouldn't say God acts on our threats necessarily, but I do think he knows, maybe before we do, when we've waited long enough.  

I knew nothing about the Episcopal faith and no one.  I had no idea where to find the words, the music, and spent much of that first hour amazed that everyone seemed to know when to sit, stand, kneel.  I was fascinated and completely freaked out during The Peace when random people started hugging me and shaking my hand.  "We're so glad you're here!" Something in my heart couldn't help but believe them.

All I knew leaving that first day was I had to go back.  And I did.  Again and again and again.  Until I knew when to stand.  Until the prayers started getting way deeper than the words of my mouth.  Until everything I grew up believing about the liturgical faith began to unravel.  Quickly.  It started slowly seeping into everything I thought I knew......Jesus was here.....too.

I'd spend the next year asking God to let the truth surface.  That more than what I knew for sure, more than what I thought I might know - he would reveal the truth.  He's been gracious and faithful to answer that prayer.

Saturday I received Confirmation into the Episcopal faith.  I've yet to find adequate words to describe what happened at that alter, but in the days to come, I will.  It felt in that moment, surrounded by my closest friends and the body of Christ, that the struggle was worth it.  And all I really know for sure is that it felt like a definite end to a complicated chapter.

But, not just an end.  A brand new beginning.  All of the details I don't have yet, but the start of something good for sure.  So, where to go from here?  

"Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!"

Yes.  I'll start with that.

**Confirmation service at St. Thomas in Thomasville, GA.  

Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday iPhone Photo Dump

 I know.  I'm a slacker blogger.  I have some good and not so good excuses, but for today I'll post what I've been up to via iPhone photo dump.  I've been figuring out how to make this wreath so I don't have to steal it off the doors of my church.  I still might......
 I've been loving sweet gifts in the mail from friends and really wishing they lived a lot closer.  All applications for out of town friendships are currently closed :)
 I've been loving the days being longer and getting to watch the sunset when I walk the dogs at night.  
 I've been helping this sweet girl recover from her surgery.  She's even more adorable on drugs and is now all better!
 I've been reading lots of Anne Lamott and pondering this tweet.  A lot.  
 I've been watching mindless tv because that's all my brain can really keep up with at the moment.  Odyssey and I are loving the Real Housewives on the Kindle Fire.  

There's been LOTS of hours at the gym, not enough sleep and not enough fun and that's left my household feeling like this.  BUT, stay tuned......there are good things and more to talk about coming soon!