I have wanted to rescue a dog from the shelter FOREVER. Even though I have 2 wonderful pure bread little angels that I adore, there's just something about a shelter dog that's amazing. I've wanted an outside dog for awhile now too. I have the perfect backyard, big fence and covered back porch. So, Thursday I went to the shelter just to see what they had. With the recent floods and the economy they were overwhelmed with animals in need of homes. I hoped I would find the perfect dog to add to our family. There were lots of puppies, but they are SO expensive their first year. They had some enormous dogs that I thought would just not be happy in a big fence (they needed a farm-for real). And then I saw her. She has similar markings to my dogs. She's a year old already fixed and done with her puppy shots. I asked the sweet girl what her name was and she said SHINE! What a wonderful name! She had been adopted once before by a girl who lived in a small apartment and it just didn't work out. She had been rejected not once, but twice. Steal my heart! I said, I'll take her! She asked if I wanted to meet her. Oh, sure :) Oops. But it was already a done deal. She put her grubby not so little paws on my clean shirt and when I didn't care I knew she was the one.
I picked her up Thursday night. Poor thing doesn't know how to walk on a leash, but she's a quick learner. She is pure and total love. She'll be spending most of her time outside but sleeping inside at night. She did great Thursday night and Friday. This is her first weekend with me being gone a lot so I hope she'll be okay. So far she hasn't been digging but my only fear is that she'll dig out of the fence! She's part lab and part beagle. I hope she's more beagle when it comes to digging! She's so happy with anything you give her and loves to bring the ball back. We practiced walking on a leash today and she's doing better. She's learning to sit and lay down and stay. I hope she loves it here :)
And her brother and sister? They went from growling at her Thursday night to mumbling today with their tails wagging. Ella snapped her head right off tonight (surprised? no not really!) and Shine just sat there. She's perfectly peaceful and seems to be willing to let them adjust in their time. I think they'll be fine. It's not like I haven't brought a bunch of animals home during their lives! I want them all to be happy and I hope they will be. Shine is staying outside when I'm not home which gives Odyssey and Ella a chance to have their house back! And I did mean to say theirs :)
So, Welcome to the Family Shine! You have a lot to look forward to this week. Your first trip to the vet, adjusting to a new brother and sister and new toys and bones. I hope you love it here! Your name is just perfect to me. You do Shine and you've already blessed me with such unconditional love. We love you already!
Brenda, Odyssey, Ella and a bunch of random cats :)
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