Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I love being productive I just don't always accomplish it! But last night I had the most productive day I've had in a LONG time. Worked then ran home for a minute, tires rotated, picked up dinner, haircut, pedicure, new makeup, target, cleaned my house (waxed the floors!), did 6 loads of laundry (don't ask how 1 person has so much laundry-I honestly don't know), and still made it to bed before 1! YIPPEE!

And tonight I'm so excited! My friend Tammy and I and a few other friends are taking our dogs to a birthday party at Petsmart. Adorable. Odyssey will act like a crazy dog and Ella will be unimpressed, but I think they'll enjoy it. Shine, the new dog is staying home because well, 2 is plenty! Then we're all having dinner at my house. Such a fun night! I can't wait.

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