Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Blog Topic 5-The Holy Spirit

Day 5-The Holy Spirit

John 14:25-27"I'm telling you these things while I'm still living with you. The Friend, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send at my request, will make everything plain to you. He will remind you of all the things I have told you. I'm leaving you well and whole. That's my parting gift to you. Peace. I don't leave you the way you're used to being left—feeling abandoned, bereft. So don't be upset. Don't be distraught.

I really love nothing more than to get in some deep theological debate about just about anything, but especially about the Holy Spirit. Christians are super opinionated about who He is, what He does, and how He presents Himself.

Many of you have asked me to talk more about the years I spent in a charismatic church and I promise I will later this month. I'm so glad I ended up there for that time in my life. It opened my eyes to a lot of things, but it also made me appreciate the way other people worship.

I think the danger with the Holy Spirit is many denominations want to make it all about Him and others don't want anything to do with Him. Both are equally troubling to me. I grew up without much mention of The Holy Spirit, spent time in college worshipping with people who never stopped talking about the Holy Spirit and now have come to a good place of balance I think. He's important, but so are God the Father and Jesus.

The Holy Spirit is God's way of literally being with us always. He deserves our respect and our attention with a healthy balance.

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