Friday, August 5, 2011

Peace Be With You - A Book Review

Do you love a book that you want to stay up all night to finish? Me too. Peace Be With You by David Carlson may not look like a suspense novel, but I couldn't wait to turn the page. Admittedly, I love the monastic tradition. My spiritual life has been turned upside down by visits to these sacred spaces.

This book is timely. Monastic wisdom for a terror filled world? Yes. And Amen.

I love the basis of the book. "I consequently began this project with only two questions in mind. First, how did monks, nuns, and retreatants respond when first learning of 9/11? And second, how have they continued to respond to our world of violence and terror, given their spiritual resources and training?"

I could honestly just quote the whole book. It's that good. It's made me think about what it means to love my enemies and how it looks for a Christian to respond to hatred in our world today. It refueled my love for monastic traditions and the appreciation I have for those surrendering their very lives to people of prayer and peace.

*For Thomas Nelson

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