Thursday, August 18, 2011

Come to Me

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28

I believe when God promised to be with us always, He absolutely meant it. I believe in a spiritual sense, He never leaves our sides and never turns His eyes away.

But, I hate those dark nights when everything I stood on in the good times is crumbling at my feet. It's like Bible verses I memorized come screaming back to mind, mocking my doubting, faithless existence. Yesterday, the verse Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever raced through my mind. It may or may not have sounded snarky in my head. Goodness? HA! Mercy? Sign me up for more of that.

It was a perfectly explainable bad night brought on by a whole bunch of craziness. The details aren't important and the reasons seem a little dumb post high speed come apart. I feel sure somewhere in my soul God was trying to whisper, "Come to Me," while I, kicking and screaming, wondered, "Where are You!?!"

Arguing with the Almighty. One of my many spiritual gifts.

My favorite characteristic about God is, He doesn't hold a grudge. This morning I woke up and did what I should have done last night. I went to Him. I poured out all the confusion and frustration on the One who not only can handle it, He asks for it. Two hours later I believed the nudging, "Peace Be Still." Are the uncertainties miraculously solved? Noooooooo. Do all my questions now have answers? Nope. Am I in a much better place to face the path today? Yes.

Thankful today that even when life is messy, even when tears won't stop, even when spiritual perfection is nowhere near attainable, He still says.....

"Come to Me."

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