I'm glad we took a break from the book club, but a lot of people have asked me if I would start one again after the first of the year. Wish-granted! I think we will do it the same way. I'll introduce the next book when reviewing the current month. You can follow along via twitter/facebook/or e-mail. Send a comment when you feel like it and I'll incorporate all of them in the final post. Sound good???
OKAY! Here's the first book! Some of you have already read it.....read it again! I've read it several times and always learn something new. I've had 3 people specifically ask me to do this title so......this will be for January! We'll review it the last day and I'll give you the February title the first week of January.
Got questions? Got Comments??? Let me know!!
Twitter BrendaAKeller
Happy Reading!
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