Sunday, October 31, 2010

40 days with Jesus week one re-cap

7 days in and I've asked myself at least 100 times-why didn't I do this SOONER? Why did I wait until I was at a place of complete desperation? Who knows, but I'm so glad I'm taking the time now.

I'm not gonna lie-it has been a battle this week to keep God first and find extra time to spend with Him. I always assume this is a good sign I'm on the right track when Satan is literally frantic to stop what I'm doing. Weird, out of the blue, time sucking stuff came up left and right. It got to be funny......sort of.

This week I let myself get into the groove. I felt more busy preparing for the rest of the days. I loaded music onto my I-Pod. I downloaded songs that speak right to this season of my life. I found the perfect time effective yoga routine for me and the most scenic walking route. I created space in my home for the Lord to be there. And in my heart I created an atmosphere of expectancy. I focused on taking deep breaths, praying the Daily Office, and meditating on how absolutely wonderful it is to be His. I didn't let my mind wander too far into the unknown recesses of the future. Strength for today. Hope for tomorrow. One God filled moment at a time.

And I feel ready for the rest of these days. Mixed into the chaos of this life are planned moments with the Divine and it has provided fresh excitement. I can't remember before this week the last time my alarm went off, I threw off the covers and said, "Lord-let's do this." Being motivated by holy transformation is incredible.

And hard. I'm gathering courage to ask the hard questions determined that He is worth any sacrifice.

I said when I started this I wanted to come face to face with the living God. One week in I can honestly say if He were any closer to this heart in these days I'd be there with Him.

We call-He answers. Why are we surprised when He shows up?

Such freedom in the calling. Such comfort in the answering. Such peace in the process.

Lord, I don't deserve a moment of your time and yet you are ALWAYS with me. Humbled. Grateful. Loving You. Amen.

1 comment:

Tami Heim said...

Hi Brenda - so excited about what God is doing with you and in you during this moment in time. Praise Him!