Saturday, March 21, 2009

I'm back!!

Just a quick update since it's clearly 1 am and I'm at work! Had a great trip to Illinois. I made it back to Georgia by noon today-my luggage did not. Long story, it's on it's way, be here Wednesday and there are a lot more important things in the world to talk about than me having no hair dryer!

I had a great time and got to spend some precious moments with some of my very favorite people in all the world.

My family including my crazy brother - had a great time eating and shopping and helping my mom clean out some things and rearrange the living room. I'm so proud of my family for giving up sugar and white flour after seeing all that it has done for me. And in case they are interested in falling back-it won't be easy-I threw all their sugar stuff away :) Ha ha! They don't need it anyway.

Kathy Fillman-You inspire me with your faith and bless me everyday with your prayers and friendship. I can't tell you how many times when life tries to swallow me up I hang on KNOWING that you are praying for me. It's a gift I'm not worthy of, but I so cherish it. I'm still processing our conversations! I've prayed since December that God would not let anything interfere with our time together and he was so faithful. You mean the world to me :)

Carla-I had so much fun going out with you and kelli, sherri, missy, krystal, and kim. What a fun time. I wish we could have had more time to discuss all that God is doing. The people around your life are so blessed to have you. Thanks for arranging a super fun night :)

Susan VanKirk-A literary mastermind if I've ever met one! I'm glad we squeezed in a few very quick moments to catch up at the very last minute! I cherish your wisdom and love to discuss books with you. You are an incredible listener and a great voice of reason. Thank you!

And to those I would have loved to have seen but could not figure out how to fit everything in know that I'm sad too! Come visit me in Georgia!!!!

And now it's back to work. I'm so thankful for a good vacation and a relaxing time away from the stress of everyday life. Thank you Lord!

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