Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday iPhone Photo Dump

 I know.  I'm a slacker blogger.  I have some good and not so good excuses, but for today I'll post what I've been up to via iPhone photo dump.  I've been figuring out how to make this wreath so I don't have to steal it off the doors of my church.  I still might......
 I've been loving sweet gifts in the mail from friends and really wishing they lived a lot closer.  All applications for out of town friendships are currently closed :)
 I've been loving the days being longer and getting to watch the sunset when I walk the dogs at night.  
 I've been helping this sweet girl recover from her surgery.  She's even more adorable on drugs and is now all better!
 I've been reading lots of Anne Lamott and pondering this tweet.  A lot.  
 I've been watching mindless tv because that's all my brain can really keep up with at the moment.  Odyssey and I are loving the Real Housewives on the Kindle Fire.  

There's been LOTS of hours at the gym, not enough sleep and not enough fun and that's left my household feeling like this.  BUT, stay tuned......there are good things and more to talk about coming soon!

1 comment:

~~Melinda Y.~~ said...

Love the pictures...we just never know how God will speak to us or to others through events, words, and expressions of love.
Missing you too...thankful for friendship we share.
Love you, sweet B.