In the busyness of life it's important sometimes to just slow down. To put on my favorite flip flops and kick them off when I find the perfect spot. To chat with a friend about how faithful God is in the big things and the small things and everything in between while running fingers through the sand. To remember God's faithfulness and his power to bind hearts together for the sake of sanity in this life and forever friendship in the next.

Taking time to lay on the beach getting much sand in my hair and looking at the clouds for awhile is unplanned happiness. Surrendering to the moment, breathing, and remembering to just be. It's as if God placed the perfect cloud creation in the air just for my happiness. The clouds don't have a care in the world and for one beautiful split second, neither do I.

And time to just remember I'm loved by a power greater than my understanding. I belong to a God who ordained these days before the foundation of time. Even the winds and the waves obey him. I am painfully small in comparison to his greatness, but I matter to him. I stumble, I fall, I find victory, and occasionally bump into eternal moments. And I'm learning the good, the bad, the easy, the hard. . .it all matters and it's all grace.
Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given. John 1:16
Love this post, especially since I know where most of the pictures were taken.
What a blessing to give and receive love...and grace.
Remembering our special day together-God graciously gave us a beautiful day to rest and reflect in His love and grace.
The point of scripture[John 1:16] revealed as we made our path in the sand. A forever promise from Him that will never wash away...
Thank you, my sweet B, your friendship shines light,love, and laughter into my life.
Come back to us again! <3
I love you.
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