Just returning from a fabulous weekend in Baltimore with some of my favorite people on the planet. From the airport to lunch at M&S Grille where this salad changed my life. I now want to eat it every day. Not kidding.

It was SO fun to hang out IRL with friends of The Virtual Abbey. Rob is my hilarious adopted brother and Raima has inspired my life with her wise and beautiful spirituality.

And another rapid fire conversation with Penny! One of my favorite human beings for a bazillion reasons. Plus she brought tiarras which I may now wear to various outings. Or to work.

And, the reason we were there-to celebrate the sacrament of marriage with Meredith and Dan. There aren't enough words to describe how grateful I am to have Meredith as a friend in this life. And I adore Dan because he's smart and Godly and funny and wise. And they both let me borrow their books :)

The church was beautiful. The couple was stunning. The homily was incredible.
In a word - it was worship.
To be amidst such love and friendship was a blessing straight from God and I leave Baltimore motivated to keep living for him. To keep trusting him.
And thankful to be surrounded in this life by so many who love him so well.
A wonderful weekend indeed.
My real life - on a Monday.
A wonderful weekend for us, too. Look! I'm answering for both me and Dan!! Won't make habit of that, not to worry.
Loved having you here before, during and after our wedding. Why don't *I* have copies of those pictures???
Well, now you do!
I can't get anyone to appreciate the idea of sparkly headgear at work around here. Too many guys on staff, I guess....
Rick and I watched the wedding vows and homily streamed and found it very moving--and such a lovely thing to share with folks across the country! So while I would dearly love to meet you one day "IRL", Brenda, it was an amazing wedding to see even over the internet! God was so present at that wedding--but isn't He always?!
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