So, Max Lucado is not my all time favorite author. I like a book that keeps me thinking for a long time and his generally don't. I will say there have been seasons in my life when I've really appreciated his work. He's a heart author. Need reminded God loves you? Max Lucado. Need peace in your storm? Max Lucado. I'm too much of a thinker for a steady diet of that, but I will say this book probably applies more to me than his others. We all can use a reminder that a life lived for Christ is not about us. I needed the reminder to see people through His eyes. I needed a gentle nudge from a Savior that what I'm doing, however insignificant it may seem at the time, it important through the lens of eternity. True peace is found in daily sacrifice of all we are for all of Him. Living our lives for an audience of One.
*For Thomas Nelson
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