You'll remember that recently I took 40 days for a time-out with the Lord.....Concentrated time with Him, refocusing our relationship, a trip back to the basics of how I fell in love with Him in the first place (right after He loved me first). It was SO good. No pressure. No agenda. Just time to reconnect-and we did. It brought to the forefront just how important it is to make Him not just A priority.....THE priority. I found it just amazing how much smoother my life ran when I gave it to Him. Almost like He can do a better job. Now there's a thought.
So, this year
-I'm NOT going to read through the Bible in a year (although I have before and it's a great goal)
-I'm NOT going to commit to praying 4 hours a day (but I hope in my on going quest to pray without ceasing it adds up to much more than that)
-I'm NOT going to promise myself that I will meditate x number of hours or be still x number of minutes because some days my life is noisy and sometimes I am.
-I'm NOT going to commit to memorizing x number of Scriptures because all I can think right now is that repeating "Yes, Jesus loves me" enough times that I truly believe it enough to live it might change more for this heart.
-I'm NOT going to promise myself I'll settle on a church by x date because I might tomorrow....and I might not. And either way might be fine.
-I'm NOT going to use humanity as an excuse but I am going to remember that Jesus is the Savior and Brenda is the one who needed rescuing (and still does many days!).
-I'm resolving to stick with Jesus this year-the Author and Finisher of my faith.
-I'm resolving to make Him THE priority.
-I'm resolving to look closely at my life and Examine the Spiritual Value of Everything (thx Meredith)
-I'm resolving to make time for Him believing that a single MOMENT in His presence has the power to change everything......especially me.
And I'm praying with everything I have that by December 31, 2011 I have more of Jesus and Jesus has much more of me. I'm praying that, while sailing the waters of faith, Jesus would not be along for the ride, but Captain of this ship. And that this passenger would be all His.
This made me suck in my breath in one of those a-ha moments.
-I'm resolving to make time for Him believing that a single MOMENT in His presence has the power to change everything.
My gosh, that's good. And he's that capable. A group of friends and I are taking 2011 to pray impossible prayers and count on God for impossible dreams. So I loved your great thought.
Happy 2011 to you, Brenda. You're an inspiration and a light for Christ.
Jenny-thank you so much for your sweet comment. Love that you're praying "impossible prayers for impossible dreams." yes, yes, yes! And he is capable....for you, for me, for all of us. Blessings to you in the new year!
Those are great resolutions Brenda. Your 2011 sounds like a year of more 'being' and less 'doing', and that, I think, is a really good thing. Happy New Year.
"And I'm praying with everything I have that by December 31, 2011 I have more of Jesus and Jesus has much more of me."
Me, too! Me, too!
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