First up is Kristi Walker. After giving birth to her 3rd child she was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer with mestastasis in the liver, spine, and pelvis. She continues to fight through treatments while trying to care for her 3 children, one an infant. Please pray for her husband and children as well.

gave birth to sweet Annette just a few months ago. Annette has a brain tumor. She is undergoing treatment right now. Please pray for the strength to get up in the morning and stay strong for this sweet girl. She has already had at least one surgery and has much medical care still ahead of her.

And this is my sweet friend Barb. I joined the organization Chemo angels several years ago where you send gifts and cards to someone with cancer. We've been friends ever since. Barb has an incurable form of blood cancer and struggles through many rounds of treatment. The symptoms kind of come and go, but as she said the other day, "I'm so tired of fighting. I'm sometimes just ready to go home." Please pray for endurance for her and her husband. It's a battle that without a miracle will never end for her. She's a wonderful person.
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