I think the Holy Spirit is a bit of a mystery. I like the way Charles Stanley gives an overview of his purpose in our lives.
The Promised Holy Spirit
JOHN 14:23-26
Jesus guaranteed His followers it would be to their benefit if He left the earth. He could then send the Holy Spirit, who plays an essential role in the life of each believer. (John 16:7) The Spirit serves as our:
JOHN 14:23-26
Jesus guaranteed His followers it would be to their benefit if He left the earth. He could then send the Holy Spirit, who plays an essential role in the life of each believer. (John 16:7) The Spirit serves as our:
Security. At salvation, we are placed in Christ and sealed in Him by the third person of the Trinity. The Spirit’s indwelling presence marks us as the Father’s children and is a pledge that we will belong to God forever. (Ephesians 1:13-14)
Helper. God the Holy Spirit provides wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. (1 Corinthians 2:12) Because He is divine, He knows ways to help us that no human could figure out. He strengthens us when we are weak and prays for us when we do not know how. (Romans 8:26)
Guide. The Holy Spirit can direct us appropriately because He knows the truth of every situation, the hearts of people around us, and our own attitudes and motives. His guidance will always be right because He knows the Lord’s will for us. (1 Corinthians 2:9-11) We can trust what He says—He doesn’t speak on His own initiative but communicates only what He hears from God. (John 16:13-14)
Spiritual Power Source. The Spirit releases His power into our lives for the purpose of fruitful service and godly living. (Ephesians 3:16) This divine energy and authority is always available to us, as long as we are yielded to His control.
Fully God, He lives within us to carry out our triune God’s divine purposes.
Fully God, He lives within us to carry out our triune God’s divine purposes.
More tomorrow - Brenda
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