BUT this book is not just about the daily office. It is about living in constant prayer, about the ancient practices of prayer and about returning to reverence when it comes to prayer. I am so guilty of entering into his presence haphazardly, spouting off a few things, and going on about my day. And although I cherish being close to the Lord, I am not his buddy. I have just entered into the holiness, the majesty, the very door that if Jesus wasn't there to interceed for me - I'd be poof! gone. I'm so thankful to have the honor of being His, but most of the time I find the need to be much more respectful.
We are not on the same level. He is Creator. I am creation. He is Alpha and Omega. I am mortal. He breathed life into Adam and all who came after. I have yet to be breathing for 3 decades. He calls me friend. I call Him Savior. He started my heart beating and when He wants it to stop there won't be a cariologist alive that can start it again. He is the Judge. I will stand judgement. He is the Shepherd. I am a sheep. He loves me. I love him too. Maybe that's just enough for us to have in common.
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